About Us

Gone Wild Herbs are

Sarah Gray
is a fully qualified medical herbalist and a member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (NIMH). She is passionate about reconnecting people to the living medicine that grows around us. She believes that herbs not only improve our health but can direct us in our lives at times of change and transformation.
She has full medical insurance and carries out herbal consultations from home in the Higham Hill area of Walthamstow, London. As a mother she also has a special interest in child health and has knowledge of how to use herbs in pregnancy and for post natal issues.
She is a qualified aromatherapist and likes to incorporate aromatherapy and massage into her treatment.


Steph Wehowski
is a sculptor, stonemason, and installation artist, who also likes to work with sound and has been involved in radical education.
For many years now she has had a keen interest in medical herbalism and enjoys learning, exploring, and making a lot in that field, joining practical and intuitive wisdom with academic study in the biomedical field.
At the moment she is setting up her own curriculum in medical herbalism.
Steph is passionate about sharing empowering knowledge and carrying on her grandma's old recipes, especially anything woodruff infused!


Rasheeqa Ahmad
is a community herbalist based in Walthamstow. Over 3 years of practice she has discovered a great energy in the people around her wanting to find out about our plant medicine traditions and is excited to be part of this gentle revolution in returning to a more empowered place in our approach to health care.
Working with herbs as food and medicine is a great learning journey and Rasheeqa finds it connects us with the earth and with our bodies and spirits.
She has experience of offering herb walks, talks and workshops around London and the UK and is committed to returning this medicine to the heart of the community.


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